Ecuador sponsort chocolade – waaronder Kuná en Hoja Verde – en rozen ten behoeve van de wereldwijde strijd tegen AIDS. Een gebaar van erkenning en respect voor de mensheid.

De 7e editie van GalaSida vond dit jaar plaats in Madrid. GalaSida is een groots benefiet gala dat als doel heeft geld in te zamelen om medisch onderzoek naar een vaccin voor AIDS te financieren. Pro Ecuador, de Ecuadoriaanse handelsmissie, heeft dit jaar een steentje bijgedragen in de vorm van chocolade en rozen uit Ecuador. De gasten kregen een gift box met repen van onder andere Kuná en Hoja Verde chocolade.
Ecuador was het enige land dat een bijdrage leverde aan dit goede doel in de vorm van nationale producten.
De organisator van Galasida, bekende zanger en acteur Miguel Bosé, heeft een speciale band met Ecuador om haar bijzondere biodiversiteit en zette zich eerder in voor de bescherming van de Galapagoseilanden, die onderdeel zijn van Ecuador. Hieronder volgt een kort verslag van Luis León – onze welbekende Kuná chocolademaker – over deze bijzondere avond.

Verslag van Luis Leon
in het Engels
“Every day 2,100 young people are infected with AIDS and is the second leading cause of death among teenagers around the world,” said Miguel Bose in his Twitter account. The cause is very valuable and from the first moment we knew we wanted to be a participant. The mission was to contribute with an event as important as #Galasida and to promote some of the best products representative of #Ecuador: roses and #chocolate.
For several years through the management of Proecuador, #Ecuador has been collaborating with a grain of sand in this event aimed to raise funds for the battle against this devastating disease and which is led by the Spanish singer Miguel Bosé, presented by Boris Izaguirre and that has the actress Belen Rueda like ambassador. This is the 7th edition, but it is the first time it is held in the city of Madrid, with the active participation of the municipality of Madrid the event was held in the spectacular Cibeles Palace.
After much effort we got it; And we moved hundreds of bars of chocolate produced with #Amazon #cacao to Madrid, that night had to be there, supporting and contributing with all our heart with such noble cause. The soul of this project, Dr. Bonaventura made us reflect on the impact of this disease and the progress that has been made with the contributions that have been received to date, there is good news, however we can not relax, because there is also a final goal to reach: the vaccine.
After an impressive parade on the red carpet, a splendid dinner followed by an exciting flamenco presentation by Eva Yerbabuena who stole our breath, finally came the most awaited moment of the night ………. The announcement amid the joy and hugs, exceeded the goal and the amount raised with the #GalaSida reached … 1.053.516,20 €!
It was a wonderful night that left us with the satisfaction of having contributed to winning an episode against this terrible disease. It was of vital importance the support we received from our partners Clearchox who personally were involved in the preparation of the chocolate bars that were sent just in time to be delivered to the event. We are happy to have contributed to keep hope, sweeten the night of those who attended the gala and show that #chocolate Ecuador is one of the best in the world.